Highlighting injustice

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This is the world we’ll have to inherit. This is our future. We’re gonna have to deal with these issues at some point. Adults talk but they don’t take action. Some do but the majority don’t. They leave it to the government. And world issues get left behind.


I’m not saying that my children, at eight and nine years old, are going to turn around and change the world tomorrow. But I’m hoping that my children at eight and nine years old care about their environment, and will be able to, in a few years’ time, stand up and say “Well, actually, I want my world to look like this. And this is how I’m going to do that”.


it’s all of ours. It’s not just, it’s not just a world for grownups.


It’s the first time we’ve done actual real things from the world.


It’s just trying to explore those opportunities of… humanity, and reminding them that actually, this affects us all. And we all feel similarly.
