About the project
Children bear the brunt of climate injustice, and we know that children care deeply about the future of their planet.
The original inspiration for our project was an event in which children from Oxfordshire primary schools used art to express what mattered to them. Children told us not only how much they loved the nature surrounding them, but also that they were concerned about climate change, plastic in the oceans and rainforest destruction.
Honouring the children’s concerns, we then developed the Our World Our Futures project – and now our work is entering its new phase, Our Earth, Our Futures. This new project again brings together researchers, teachers and their students in the two countries.
The project builds on the findings of our previous study and has a renewed focus on nature-based learning and social and environmental justice. We are also working closely with colleagues at Oxford Brookes University and Oxford University to explore how teachers support children’s critical hope in the classroom.
Education… must be oriented in terms of the question of what it means to be human at this time, a time when we have a profoundly new understanding of human immersion within the life systems of planet earth in context of the new science of the evolution of the universe