UKFIET 2023 Conference presentation

UKFIET 2023 Conference presentation

Aminath Shiyama, Claire Lee and Fathimath Nasiha presented a paper entitled Our World, Our Futures: Exploring transformative environmental and global citizenship education in Maldivian and English primary schools at the 2023 UKFIET Conference, Oxford, on 12th...
Award-winning conference paper

Award-winning conference paper

Team members Aminath Shiyama, Fathimath Shafeeqa and Fathimath Nasiha presented a paper entitled Our World our Futures: Transforming Education through Environmental and Sustainable Education at Theveli 2023 International Conference, The Maldives National University,...


11th to 27th September 2023, Glass Tank, Headington We are delighted to showcase the artwork created by the children in the project schools in an exciting exhibition at Oxford Brookes University’s Glass Tank. The Glass Tank is located in the Abercrombie building on...